General Surgeon Online Consultation
Virtual consultations have been available in most healthcare systems and through medical schemes for some years now and have recently become increasingly popular as a result of the worldwide pandemic.
Virtual consultations are simple to access and available from any place at any time.
Since its inception General Surgeon Dr. Ebrahim Mansoor has pioneered online or virtual consultations.
Previously The route to see a specialist surgeon or being admitted into hospital traditionally involved
1. Acquiring a letter from a General Practitioner. The barriers for this process for the general public have been lifted as a result of the current climate and the boundaries for telemedicine have been expanded and offer many advantages for the patient.
2. Being admitted into hospital though trauma or emergency. A general surgeon or other specialist will be assigned to you
Healthcare is personal; in many instances if you do not get a good feeling from your doctor this can cause discord. Patients should feel open to share any personal information no matter how embarrassing. Online appointments set the stage for a more formal meeting discussing informal topics as it creates an environment that is not as personal as a face to face meeting but manages to overcome the awkwardness by having that little bit of distance.
Convenience and Comfort
When you see your doctor on your mobile device or computer, you can save money on fuel, parking, and public transportation. Time is not wasted in traffic jams that could make you late for your appointment, or worse, late getting back to work. Time spent taking off from work is minimal.
Less Time in the Waiting Room
If you choose a video visit via telemedicine technology, you’ll eliminate all that time spent looking at old magazines in a doctor’s office. Even if you don’t use telemedicine, choosing a practice that offers a reduction in your wait time by letting other patients be seen from home.
Early treatment prevention
By acting early a patient can get medical advice that can prevent complications. In certain cases a patient can receive a script medication. Advice on management of symptoms at home. Determine whether a patient would need to be admitted
Control of Infectious Illness
To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, flu and other infectious diseases, doctors can use telehealth appointments to prescreen patients for possible infectious disease. It also saves sick people from having to come into the surgery. There is less exposure to other people’s germs which aids everyone, especially those who are chronically ill, pregnant, elderly or immunecompromised
Family Connections
When consulting with your doctor, it’s always good to have a family member who can help you provide information, ask questions and take note of your doctor’s answers.
If that person lives out of town, or even across the country, tele-medicine can loop your family member in on the virtual visit if you authorise it. This provides a backup source of information should you need it.
Better Assessment
Telemedicine can give some specialty practitioners an advantage because they can see you in your home environment. Understanding the patients special needs and cicumstances helps create treatment options that work.
Primary Care and Chronic Condition Management
Regular visits with primary care practitioners such as those specialising in family medicine, internal medicine and pediatrics, are essential to your family’s health. Telemedicine makes it easy to connect with a doctor or nurse practitioner. Some systems are set up so that new patients can get an appointment with the next available practitioner, which can save time.
On-demand options
More and more physician’s practices are offering telemedicine these days, so there’s a good chance that you’ll be able to see your regular doctor via video.
If you can’t, but still need remote access to care, there are a number of online-only, on-demand options on the market today. They can’t treat every condition, but can tackle a wide variety of problems. Certain medical-aids will pay for this type of care.
Child or elder care issues
Many of us have the responsibility for caring for children or older adults. Finding alternative care so that you can see the doctor can be difficult and expensive. Bringing them along can be stressful or impractical. Fortunately, telemedicine solves this challenge by allowing you to see your doctor while upholding your family responsibilities.
Less Chance of Catching a New Illness
Where can you be sure to find a lot of sick people? At the doctor’s office of course. While everyone does their best to prevent one patient from catching something from another, it is always possible, especially in crowded waiting rooms. By staying at home, you get the care you need while avoiding the risk of exposure and the chance that you’ll pass your illness on to someone else.
When you are able to see your doctor as often as you need to, without the challenges of getting into the office, you can practice better management of your medication, lifestyle, and any chronic conditions you might have.
We arrange visits when necessary and adhere to strict protocol to ensure that we can minimse risk
In today’s world where convenience and safety are paramount it is not surprising that people are seeking out healthcare providers that offer the convenience and cost effectiveness of telehealth. It is poised to have a major positive impact on the entire healthcare system, and ready to make life a little bit easier for you.
Next time you have a concern or just want to check something with your doctor, embrace the future and give a follow-up virtual consultation a try!